In my previous post I mentioned how I had attempted to photographs limbs, mostly arms, to attempt to create a parallel between them and the plants, I did not feel that this comparison was clear, despite using the same medium and lighting them similarly. To try to draw out the parallels, at first simply in the aesthetics, I began to place them next to each other, to juxtapose. The images seemed to highlight the similarities of the images, the leading lines in each images matched fairly closely, as can be seen in the image below, but I began to realise that, whereas the photographs of flowers trailed off quite organically into the darkness, it was far more difficult to apply this to limbs, which lead to the edge of the frame cutting off the arm at some point.

I felt that the more I experimented with placing these arms next to the flowers the more macabre and tense the results. The framing of the arm and the way the edges cut the limbs began to look more like dismembered limbs and the reaching fingers, instead of looking like fronds of a tree or blades of grass, began to look like the searching hands of zombies from some Romero film. As well as this the tension between the two images, particularly above, wherein the left contains quite a powerful and forceful image and the right contains a low-key and quite calm image (when viewed on its own) further added to the idea that these two images had come together and created a third meaning. 

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