Friday 6 November 2009

Group Project Post 2

After having been given photographs to work with I realised that, to make a two minute video they would need to be animated or in motion in some way to avoid creating a straight slideshow with inter-titles. My initial idea was to print the photographs off and use them in a physical form to create a stop-motion video, an idea i intended to borrow from a music video i had seen for the song The Reeling by Passion Pit.

(There was no embed code for this video as it has been disabled but it can be seen at the following URL: )

I felt that using stop-motion with various layers would work well to make the video more interesting and also it would tie in with my earlier work from the previous year, in which i used a similar technique. (see below)

The drawback to filming a stop-motion was the limited number of photographs which we were given, only fourteen, as well as this stop-motion can be quite time-consuming to shoot, so we decided to take a different route. We took photographs which fitted in with the images, which seemed to suggest two distinct journeys, one by foot and one by train. We then edited them into a sequence to expand upon these journeys, adding music to fit with the piece. The following images are some of those we were given to work with:

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