Friday 6 November 2009

Initial Ideas and Group Project

I decided to put my initial ideas regarding transitional space down in the form of a list, I felt that this would give me a rough starting point, so here it is:
  • Twilight, day to night- "the magic/golden hour"
  • Transport- Bus and Train Station, the people who pass through these places, people "in transit"
  • The conversion of food into energy by the body- organic chemical processes (links loosely to the work i did last year, using card and paper to create a stopmotion of the anatomical body.
  • The sky- clouds, weather
  • Factories/Workshops- the process of making something.
  • Growth- trees, changes in seasons, plants, wildlife.
  • Sleep/dreams/meditation.
  • Fire- constantly changes, Hiroshi Sugimoto's more conceptual candle photographs (right), smoke.

I then went out with a video camera to the local park, working from my previous ideas I decided to look for a man I have often seen sat in meditation in the park. I felt this would be an appropriate visual metaphor for Transitional Space. I did not find him.

Instead i decided to explore the park using the camera. This then became a study of the park's natural aspect, and it's 'transitional' nature. I attempted to explore this through shots of the changing leaves. being in a transitory season, autumn, as leaves begin to fall and change. i also found myself filming the local wildlife, the most abundant of which were birds. This theme of birds also links very loosely to my original idea of filming the man, as he often sits and feeds the birds. my exploration of the park, in another dimension, became about examining the absence of an individual.

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